Wild Child Playground

come in... take off your hat, take everything off if you want, but watch out for the lion, it bites and we don't like blood on the furniture

Friday, May 12, 2006

The awakening of my mind......

This last month has been amazing.......The thoughts, The dreams, The overall unfucking believable relizations that are happening within my mind..... Sometimes i don't think i can handle it all at once but i haven't drown yet.........lol....... (and i never will )..............
and i feel that everything is happening in it's time........
I've been almost euphorically high and enlightened .......by life and i have no clue what has changed only that its good and for once i kinda feel capable of attaining my future.... hallafuckinlooyah.....
lol......Well thats all for now ...just thought i'd stop in and show some love .............lol..............


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