Wild Child Playground

come in... take off your hat, take everything off if you want, but watch out for the lion, it bites and we don't like blood on the furniture

Thursday, April 06, 2006


  • At 5:53 PM, Blogger The Zombieslayer said…

    That's a good picture of you. Love your hair. I actually like curly hair. Mrs. Z recently permed her hair. The weird thing is, I never asked her to, and never told her my preference. She just did it.

  • At 11:21 PM, Blogger clothosfate said…

    :) She knows you well then... I have always had this hair.. only it was light blond when I was little. It was my bane for quite some time though... untameable. Hmmm like me I guess ;)

  • At 10:01 PM, Blogger The Zombieslayer said…

    The JBF hairstyle (just been f*cked) is something I've always liked, and one that unfortunately has gone out of style. Today's hairstyles are way too conservative, and I find them quite boring. Like I'll see a young woman in her 20s with a "mom" haircut. Yuck.

    I'm a hair man. I like women who are vain about their hair. Hair shows confidence, almost as much as stance.

    I could tell by a woman's stance if they're a doer or a pushover. If she's standing tall and proud, yummy. :)

    If they're looking at the ground all the time, or slouching, I find them completely unsexy.

    You could tell a woman's (and I assume a man's too) confidence level by how they stand, how they walk.

    Hair is #2.

    Eyes are #3. If they can't look me in the eyes, they have self-esteem issues or they're too shy (boring).

    Or some will put eyes as #2. I like hair, because I could see hair from a distance. I need to wear my glasses to see eyes.

  • At 8:08 AM, Blogger clothosfate said…

    hahaha... wellll... Zombieman, I would have to agree with you on all points. Confidence is a very attractive quality... in men and women. Although I have been known to draw out a few wallflowers... I have a flavour for bringing people out of thier shells and losening up, I think its a gemini trait. The funny thing is.. its because of my own self-confidence that I CAN do that... people find it hard to resist my approach.

    hahaha, I think I am constantly fighting to NOT have the JBF hair, and as you know from reading my blogs... I don't have enough "F" to suit my taste ;p

    Also, I swear you just described me. I always walk proud.. never slouching or looking at the ground. My mother taught me good etiquett for one, back straight head high. But also being a dancer... and not generally afraid to go for what I want... ever, gives me a self-confidence that would be considered arrogance if you did not know me. And I LOVE LOVE LOVE to look people right in the eyes. I guess I love to challenge, and I know damn well that the best way to get what I want is to go right for it. In fact my very best, longest friend has always made a point of talking about the sassy look I get in my eyes (actually I think you get a taste of it in this picture)... she says its irresistable, and that she wishes sometimes that I was a guy. hahahah poor thing.

  • At 11:36 PM, Blogger The Zombieslayer said…

    Hey! You all are worse than me. Updates? Anyone?


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