Wild Child Playground

come in... take off your hat, take everything off if you want, but watch out for the lion, it bites and we don't like blood on the furniture

Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Have a Hot Babe Instead

Sorry my failure to deliver the good stuff... but my life just does not seem to want to allow me the time or the pleasure, so instead I must satisfy you with another hot woman. Oh well.
Besides being absolutely gorgeous, enchanting and steamy... She is a great actor. Seeing her face on a movie definitly makes me look twice. In Mean Girls we got just the slightest taste of what this hot vixen is capable of, but I didn't fall completely head over heels for her until the heat practically dripped from the screen in The Notebook. Great role, great kisser, good fuckin job! But she had a GREAT counterpart, who wouldn't want to make out with Ryan?


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