Wild Child Playground

come in... take off your hat, take everything off if you want, but watch out for the lion, it bites and we don't like blood on the furniture

Tuesday, December 20, 2005

Right Good Drunk

Two nights ago we celebrated Tracemas. My good friend had the mis/fortune of being born on Christmas day and so as you can imagine, she almost never gets to celebrate her birthday. A couple of years ago we began celebrating it with her. First, since we all lived in the same town, we got together actually on Christmas evening and had a party for her... it was a smash. We even wrote her a song: Black Tracemas, and sang it to her. Now though, we still live in the same city, seeing as we all moved to the same bigger city, but her parents still live in the other place which means she won't be here on her birthday. So we decided to celebrate Tracemas a little early. This year we had our bash on our tree decorating day... did I mention that she was graduating from bartending school? You betcha.

So we decided to make it a mixed drink night. Woa. It was a blast. She made all kinds of drinks with sexually promiscuous names, like the good ole 'sex on the beach', and 'cum drop'. But then there were really bad girl drinks like 'good hard screw up against a wall' and 'strippers nipples'. I mean who comes up with these names? Well regardless of who comes up with them, it was Bad Kitty who chose to make them for her birthday party... hence her very appropriate name. I personally enjoyed the cosmopolitans more then anything else... not as good a name, but a damned fine martini... did I mention that it is pink?

So that made for some very drunk friends of mine. We had a buffet of yummy food as well, so no one got drunk on an empty stomach, but then I guess that just gave them all something to puke up later... poor kids. It became hilarious around 1am. Bad Kitty brought out the christmas crackers and before you knew it everybody was wandering around with paper crowns on, giving highly intellectual, but unintelligible speeches about the colour of our orange shag carpet. I will admit, I did not get drunk. I am sorry to report, but drunk and I had a serious falling out a few years back, and I have just never forgiven her (we'll call drunk a her, why not?). Besides I am not a big fan of throwing up, so I win. It sure is fun to watch your friends get drunk though. I enjoyed my two and a half drinks while they went through about seven to each of my one. I am still surprised that they all managed to keep their clothes on... I mean these are MY friends after-all, clothing is always optional! Now lets see we have Christmas Eve, then Christmas dinner, and then we are throwing a New Years Eve bash here as well... three more chances to get drunkenly naked... well maybe only one really, because who gets stupidly drunk on Christmas Eve or Christmas day? Maybe if we didn't have children... :) Well were aiming for the night before next year then!!

Adios Amigos!!


  • At 7:17 PM, Blogger The Zombieslayer said…

    I am still surprised that they all managed to keep their clothes on...

    Oh well. Glad you still had a blast.

    I'm sooo glad I wasn't born on Christmas. Anything within two weeks of Christmas would suck.

  • At 10:31 AM, Blogger clothosfate said…

    I am with ya. Actually my son's birthday is in the middle of November, and thats bad enough. It's like.. didn't we just give him presents?? SO every year in between his birthday and Christmas I go through his toy box and get rid of at least 65% of it. He doesn't mind, he likes to give to the salvation army... well actually, if he could sell it he would, he's definitly interested in money this boy. Giving it away to help unfortuante kids makes him happy to though... next best thing.


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