Wild Child Playground

come in... take off your hat, take everything off if you want, but watch out for the lion, it bites and we don't like blood on the furniture

Friday, December 09, 2005

Do you know me?

I got this from Johnny's blog... so lets try it out!

Pick ONE from each pair that you think describes me the best & leave it in the comments. Then copy this and post it in your own journal to see how your friends view you.
* dominant or submissive
* logical or intuitive
* social or loner
* kinky or vanilla
* cute or sophisticated
* kitten or puppy
* warm flannel sheets or sleek satin
* leader or follower
* quiet or talkative
* spontaneous or planned
* football or chess
* hiking or window shopping
* tequila or vodka
* top or bottom
* barefoot or shoes
* jeans or petticoat
* tender or rough
* aware or dreamy
* nerd or geek


  • At 12:03 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    * dominant
    * intuitive
    * social
    * kinky
    * sophisticated
    * kitten
    * warm flannel sheets
    * leader
    * talkative
    * spontaneous
    * chess?
    * hiking
    * tequila- wild child
    * top
    * barefoot
    * jeans - unless you are doing a scene in acting, then petticoat. haha, I dont know:P
    * rough
    * dreamy
    * nerd

    some of these were major guesses. so enjoy

  • At 6:17 PM, Blogger clothosfate said…

    actually you did damned good! so you ARE intuitive, no wonder you're a good actor! Bravo!!

  • At 9:59 AM, Blogger clothosfate said…

    hahaha... pretty good punk! but football?!?!?!?!? are you serious? and I am way more of a tequila girl than vodka, just so you know ;) Other then that BRAVO!!

  • At 7:50 PM, Blogger The Zombieslayer said…

    * dominant
    * logical
    * social
    * kinky
    * sophisticated
    * puppy
    * sleek satin
    * leader
    * talkative
    * spontaneous
    * football
    * hiking
    * tequila
    * bottom
    * shoes
    * jeans
    * rough
    * dreamy
    * nerd

    Well, actually, I should say Vodka because the last time I had Tequila, the walls started spinning slowly.


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